Review and Case Report on Conversion Disorder

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Conversion Disorders, Childhood Traumas, Attachment Styles, Case Study


Conversion disorders are bodily dysfunctions that can show symptoms similar to neurological disorders but are incompatible with the existing anatomical and physiological structure of the central or peripheral nervous system. With another definition, conversion disorder can be considered as a physical reflection of a psychological distress. In this article, a client with conversion disorder was included and a review of conversion disorder was made within the framework of this case. Childhood traumas, attachment styles and inability to express their emotions comfortably can be effective in the development of Conversion Disorder. During the treatment plan of conversion disorder, the triggering factors that cause the disorder, the factors that maintain the disorder and the predisposition of the individual should be determined one by one, and the individual's psychological state, current position in the family and society, and existing problems should be taken into consideration. It is important to provide psychoeducation to both the client and the people around the client about the meanings, causes and functions of the attacks and to cooperate with both the client and the people around the client for treatment.


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How to Cite

GÜLDEN, G., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2023). Review and Case Report on Conversion Disorder. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(2), 318–325.




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