A General Review On Daily Life And Stress Management

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Stress, Daily life, Methods of coping with stress


Stress is the physiological and psychological response to perceived threats or demands, whether real or imagined. It can manifest as a feeling of pressure, tension, or emotional strain, often triggered by a variety of factors such as work deadlines, financial difficulties, relationship problems, or major changes in life. Stress, which is described as a kind of disease of society in our daily life, is a factor that negatively affects people's lives and has become an


indispensable part of daily life. The important point is that people know how to cope with stress. In the review article, articles between 2006 and 2022 were discussed. This article aims to reduce the level of stress experienced by individuals. There are some methods used to cope with stress: exercise, relaxation techniques, meditations, nutrition, developing a positive attitude, etc. methods. In order for individuals to manage stress, they must first know what stress means, how stress occurs, its symptoms and its consequences. If these methods are used more, the individual will experience less stress. Individuals may need to be aware of these techniques and use them more frequently. It is thought that individuals with high stress management may be less likely to suffer from stress. In fact, the desired stress level is neither too much nor too little; the desired stress level is short-term stress at a medium level. I think stress should be a part of our lives somewhere, so that it can motivate us and keep us focused on a job we have started or will do. Stress may always create the perception of something bad or negative, but if it is managed well, it can always be turned into an opportunity. For this reason, our review article was written to emphasize the importance of stress, its formation mechanism, symptoms and correct, effective stress management.


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How to Cite

İŞÇİ, S., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2024). A General Review On Daily Life And Stress Management. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 34–40. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12511019




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